This pendant is cast with an aqua glowing Metatron cube design and a gold leaf body that glows green. There is a triple Tesla coil on the backside.
Metatron’s Cube resonates with the highest force that can be imagined throughout all of creation. The design of 13 interlocking circles supersedes all other geometries including the Flower of Life and includes the five platonic solids in its layout. Metatron is the First Angel of Kether in the Tree of Life. In other traditions, Metatron is the “Scribe of God.” This design aligns the personal will to the divine plan.
The Tesla Coil design aids in the circulation of Chi/Life energy through the body. It is a winding of metal wire that gives a boost to every pendant it is used in. It is commonly found on the backside of many pendant and though it is not a vital component, it is helpful and beautiful.
Orgonix orgone Pendants provide protection from electrical pollution and negative astral/psychic energies. Each pendant utilizes high quality crystals to alter the vibrations surrounding the person wearing the pendant. Depending on the kinds of crystals and the design of the pendant, each one will have its own “feeling” and qualities.
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